Called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Ecuador Quito Mission.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Los Chillos Week 2
Dear Fam and Friends!
Wow it sounds like a pretty crazy week at home! But I'm glad it sounds like it went well! I loved the few pictures of Ben at Disneyland. Everytime you tell me a story about something cute that he says, I can totally imagine him saying it in my mind haha. He is a little cuties. And I'm pumped to talk with him and the whole fam again in almos a month! Wow time flies by. And that's awesome that the whole family could come down for Nate's farewell. He's gonna be a stud missionary. And that's soo cool he gets to go to the MTC in Chile! I hope Amanda and Nathan both had awesome birthdays!!!
Well the big news this week is that they changed the email rules for all the missionaries. We now have 2 hours to send emails and we can email friends as well as family members! Whoo!!! I'll attach the copy of the letter from our president so you can see too. So all my homies, if you want, can send me emails now!! It's kinda sweet.
In other news, I really love my sector here. We have a lot of people that we are teaching and everything is going well. And we had a baptism this Saturday! He's a dude named Alex and he's kinda a stud. His wife is already a member and we've been teaching him. I actually only had like 2 lessons with the guy and he chose me to baptize him which was an honor. I sent some pics. But it went really well and hopefully we'll have some more baptisms this saturday!
It has been a little tough with my companions in this sector though. Being in a trio is a little difficult and one of my comps gets angry really easily, but i've learned a lot in my short week and a half here. I know the Lord put me in this companionship for a reason and that I can learn a lot from my companions. I've been learning a lot of patience and I've also realized that I've been a little bit prideful as a missionary. It's something that I need to do better. And I'm really going to work on being more humble this week to get along better with my comps.
But we also had some other cool things this week. FIrst, it's freezing in this sector too. We're on another mountain and it rains like everyday and the house is freezing. It even hailed one of the days! Or more like 3 different times! But I'm more adjusted to the cold now so it's not too bad. Also, one of our mamitas, or the families that give us food, took us to a buffet this week. That was awesome. Not quite as good as an American buffet, but still delicious. Oh and we had kind of an interesting contact this week. We were out knocking doors and out came this Catholic dude (no surprise. Everyone here is Catholic). But we started talking and we found out that he was a Catholic missionary in a special group with other Catholics. And then he started talking about how he talks with angels and they let him know what's going to happen. He said there are a lot of things planned for this year, especially in August. It was a really interesting experience and I felt really weird talking to him haha. But now I have a funny story.
So that's about it this week. Thanks a ton to Sister Isom for the letter she sent me! I got it this week and it was really great! I'm really excited to be in this area and I know there are a lot of things that I have to learn here and a lot of people that I need to help. Even with the cold and having to climb hills and everything, I like this new sector a lot and I'm really happy to be here. I'm also excited to have 2 hours to email and to anyone we want! Whoo! haha. But it's amazing being a missionary! I wouldn't trade it or the lessons I've learned here for anything in the world. Miss you all a ton and talk to you next week!
Con Muchísimo Amor,
Elder Joshy LEE!!!
Wow it sounds like a pretty crazy week at home! But I'm glad it sounds like it went well! I loved the few pictures of Ben at Disneyland. Everytime you tell me a story about something cute that he says, I can totally imagine him saying it in my mind haha. He is a little cuties. And I'm pumped to talk with him and the whole fam again in almos a month! Wow time flies by. And that's awesome that the whole family could come down for Nate's farewell. He's gonna be a stud missionary. And that's soo cool he gets to go to the MTC in Chile! I hope Amanda and Nathan both had awesome birthdays!!!
Well the big news this week is that they changed the email rules for all the missionaries. We now have 2 hours to send emails and we can email friends as well as family members! Whoo!!! I'll attach the copy of the letter from our president so you can see too. So all my homies, if you want, can send me emails now!! It's kinda sweet.
In other news, I really love my sector here. We have a lot of people that we are teaching and everything is going well. And we had a baptism this Saturday! He's a dude named Alex and he's kinda a stud. His wife is already a member and we've been teaching him. I actually only had like 2 lessons with the guy and he chose me to baptize him which was an honor. I sent some pics. But it went really well and hopefully we'll have some more baptisms this saturday!
It has been a little tough with my companions in this sector though. Being in a trio is a little difficult and one of my comps gets angry really easily, but i've learned a lot in my short week and a half here. I know the Lord put me in this companionship for a reason and that I can learn a lot from my companions. I've been learning a lot of patience and I've also realized that I've been a little bit prideful as a missionary. It's something that I need to do better. And I'm really going to work on being more humble this week to get along better with my comps.
But we also had some other cool things this week. FIrst, it's freezing in this sector too. We're on another mountain and it rains like everyday and the house is freezing. It even hailed one of the days! Or more like 3 different times! But I'm more adjusted to the cold now so it's not too bad. Also, one of our mamitas, or the families that give us food, took us to a buffet this week. That was awesome. Not quite as good as an American buffet, but still delicious. Oh and we had kind of an interesting contact this week. We were out knocking doors and out came this Catholic dude (no surprise. Everyone here is Catholic). But we started talking and we found out that he was a Catholic missionary in a special group with other Catholics. And then he started talking about how he talks with angels and they let him know what's going to happen. He said there are a lot of things planned for this year, especially in August. It was a really interesting experience and I felt really weird talking to him haha. But now I have a funny story.
So that's about it this week. Thanks a ton to Sister Isom for the letter she sent me! I got it this week and it was really great! I'm really excited to be in this area and I know there are a lot of things that I have to learn here and a lot of people that I need to help. Even with the cold and having to climb hills and everything, I like this new sector a lot and I'm really happy to be here. I'm also excited to have 2 hours to email and to anyone we want! Whoo! haha. But it's amazing being a missionary! I wouldn't trade it or the lessons I've learned here for anything in the world. Miss you all a ton and talk to you next week!
Con Muchísimo Amor,
Elder Joshy LEE!!!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Los Chillos Week 1
Dear Fam and Friends,
It's great to hear that the family is doing well! I'm glad they are all enjoying spring break! And that's awesome that Amanda and Jake got to go on trek! It was soo much fun for me and I hope they enjoyed it! And that's crazy that Nate is already going to give his farewell talk. Wow time really flies by. Just another 2 weeks and he'll be in the MTC. He's gonna be such and awesome missionary. And thanks soo much for the pictures!
Well here in Ecuador, the big news is that I got transfered. For me it was actually really sad. I really came to love the people there in Atahualpa (my last sector) and I was soo sad to leave. Especially my convert Alexa and her husband Leo. They're the family we got married last week and it was really hard to say goodbye to them. I felt like I was leaving home for the second time. I fell like that is something I've learned a lot about on the mission, charity. i really have come to love the people here in Ecuador. But that's the missions, and I'm excited to get to know the people in my new sector and learn to love them too. My new sector is called Los Chillos. It's a valley a little outside of Quito. I'm up on the mountain side, but more in the valley the people have a TON of money. They have giant houses and I feel like i'm in the states sometimes haha. But that's not my sector. Oh and I'm in a trio. My companions are Elder Soria from Argentina and Elder Hidalgo from Ecuador. Elder Hidalgo is another new missionary, so Im training again. And Elder Soria has 10 months. It's a little difficult being in a trio and especially because Elder Hidalgo and Elder Soria don't get along so well, but I'll make it through and be able to hlep the people in this sector.
Well that's the only news from me. Life is still going well and the mission too. Oh and they changed the rules now so that we can email other missionaries in the mission! Whoo!! So if you could send me the emails of like Taylor Heyman, McGyver Mann and anyother homies in the mission that'd be sweet. Oh and Alli Farnsworth too. But that's about it! Love you all soo much and talk to you next week!!
Con Amor,
Elder LEE!!
It's great to hear that the family is doing well! I'm glad they are all enjoying spring break! And that's awesome that Amanda and Jake got to go on trek! It was soo much fun for me and I hope they enjoyed it! And that's crazy that Nate is already going to give his farewell talk. Wow time really flies by. Just another 2 weeks and he'll be in the MTC. He's gonna be such and awesome missionary. And thanks soo much for the pictures!
Well here in Ecuador, the big news is that I got transfered. For me it was actually really sad. I really came to love the people there in Atahualpa (my last sector) and I was soo sad to leave. Especially my convert Alexa and her husband Leo. They're the family we got married last week and it was really hard to say goodbye to them. I felt like I was leaving home for the second time. I fell like that is something I've learned a lot about on the mission, charity. i really have come to love the people here in Ecuador. But that's the missions, and I'm excited to get to know the people in my new sector and learn to love them too. My new sector is called Los Chillos. It's a valley a little outside of Quito. I'm up on the mountain side, but more in the valley the people have a TON of money. They have giant houses and I feel like i'm in the states sometimes haha. But that's not my sector. Oh and I'm in a trio. My companions are Elder Soria from Argentina and Elder Hidalgo from Ecuador. Elder Hidalgo is another new missionary, so Im training again. And Elder Soria has 10 months. It's a little difficult being in a trio and especially because Elder Hidalgo and Elder Soria don't get along so well, but I'll make it through and be able to hlep the people in this sector.
Well that's the only news from me. Life is still going well and the mission too. Oh and they changed the rules now so that we can email other missionaries in the mission! Whoo!! So if you could send me the emails of like Taylor Heyman, McGyver Mann and anyother homies in the mission that'd be sweet. Oh and Alli Farnsworth too. But that's about it! Love you all soo much and talk to you next week!!
Con Amor,
Elder LEE!!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Best Week Ever!! Quito Week 18
Dear Fam and Friends,
So this week was amazing because I got to go to my first Ecuatorian wedding!!!! It was sweet!!! There's this family that I've been teaching since I got to this sector in December. The husband is a member, but his wife wasn't, but she couldn't get baptized because they weren't married. And they couldn't get married because they had some problems with their papers and it's a lot harder to get married here in Ecuador than in the US. But there papers finally came through and they got married this week!!!! It was soo awesome! My companion and I got to go and I took a bunch of pictures and it was way cool! And then afterwards we went to their house and got to meet all their family and it was way cool. And then..... the day after... Alexa got baptized!!! Whoo!!! And she picked me to baptize her which was way awesome. It was probably my favorite baptism I've had so far. I really love this family soo much and it made for such and awesome week. i'm gonna try and send home a lot of pictures!
But yeah that really made for an awesome week. The rest of the week was good too, but not too much exciting happened. I'm still working hard and really loving being a missionary. I hope the whole fam is doing well and I miss you a ton! But I really have developed such a strong love for this work. When I can have weeks like this, it is amazing. I really have noticed just how really happy I am out here serving a mission. It's amazing to see the change the Gospel can make in people's lives and how happy they are when they have it. I'm going to be really sad when I have to leave this area because I have met soo many amazing families here, but I have at least 4 more weeks so I just need to keep working as hard as I can to find as many people as I can in this sector. Love you all soo much and hablamos la proxima semana!!!
Elder LEE!!!!
So this week was amazing because I got to go to my first Ecuatorian wedding!!!! It was sweet!!! There's this family that I've been teaching since I got to this sector in December. The husband is a member, but his wife wasn't, but she couldn't get baptized because they weren't married. And they couldn't get married because they had some problems with their papers and it's a lot harder to get married here in Ecuador than in the US. But there papers finally came through and they got married this week!!!! It was soo awesome! My companion and I got to go and I took a bunch of pictures and it was way cool! And then afterwards we went to their house and got to meet all their family and it was way cool. And then..... the day after... Alexa got baptized!!! Whoo!!! And she picked me to baptize her which was way awesome. It was probably my favorite baptism I've had so far. I really love this family soo much and it made for such and awesome week. i'm gonna try and send home a lot of pictures!
But yeah that really made for an awesome week. The rest of the week was good too, but not too much exciting happened. I'm still working hard and really loving being a missionary. I hope the whole fam is doing well and I miss you a ton! But I really have developed such a strong love for this work. When I can have weeks like this, it is amazing. I really have noticed just how really happy I am out here serving a mission. It's amazing to see the change the Gospel can make in people's lives and how happy they are when they have it. I'm going to be really sad when I have to leave this area because I have met soo many amazing families here, but I have at least 4 more weeks so I just need to keep working as hard as I can to find as many people as I can in this sector. Love you all soo much and hablamos la proxima semana!!!
Elder LEE!!!!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Quito Week 17
Dear Fam and Friends!!
It's great to hear how well everyone is doing!! I always love hearing the stories of the mischief that Ben gets into. It sounds like he is a lot of fun. And that's sooo awesome Nate got to go through the temple!! That is one thing I miss a ton being out here in the mission. There's no temple here. Ahh.... but not too much longer and I'll be able to go to the temple again.
And talking about that, time really flies by here on the mission. I feel like I wake up the next day and a week or a month has already gone by. It's starting to scare me a little. I'm not ready to go back yet and start my life. Hopefully the time can pass by a little more slowly. But I really love being a missionary so much. This week was awesome because yesterday we had our stake conference here in Chillogallo (that's the stake I'm in) and a member of the 70, Elder Cornish came and talked to us. And he gave an awesome talk about how the truth is only one thing, no matter how many people say it is something else. It was awesome. Also, we have an investigator who has been waiting to get baptized for like 3 months, but had some problems with her papers to get married, but they finally came through!!!! Whoo!!! So she'll be getting baptized this week and it's gonna be awesome!!! I'm so excited because she and her family are freaking awesome and it's about time she can get baptized.
Oh and I love my sector a ton. Even though it's in the middle of Quito and it's tough to find people sometimes, the members here are amazing and the investigators we have right now are awesome too. And the Lord has blessed us so much these last few weeks with new investigators. I don't know if I said this last week, but investigators are just coming from everywhere right now. All of a sudden we are getting references from all the members and people are letting us in to teach them. I feel like all these blessings have really come from a few months of hard work in this sector. I think the Lord just wanted us to go as far as we could go and do all we could do before the blessings came.
But yeah, just keep up all the good work at home. I really love you all soo much and miss you all a ton. I think that might be the only reason I'll want to come home at the end of my mission because it really is so awesome being out here. I wouldn't want to be doing anything else with my life right now because I have been happier than I ever have in my life being a missionary. And I think that's weird sometimes because the mission can be tough too, but when the blessings come and I can see the change the Gospel really makes in people's lives, it makes all the tough times worth it. I miss you all a ton and I'll be sure and send some pictures next week!!
Elder Joshua LEE!!!
It's great to hear how well everyone is doing!! I always love hearing the stories of the mischief that Ben gets into. It sounds like he is a lot of fun. And that's sooo awesome Nate got to go through the temple!! That is one thing I miss a ton being out here in the mission. There's no temple here. Ahh.... but not too much longer and I'll be able to go to the temple again.
And talking about that, time really flies by here on the mission. I feel like I wake up the next day and a week or a month has already gone by. It's starting to scare me a little. I'm not ready to go back yet and start my life. Hopefully the time can pass by a little more slowly. But I really love being a missionary so much. This week was awesome because yesterday we had our stake conference here in Chillogallo (that's the stake I'm in) and a member of the 70, Elder Cornish came and talked to us. And he gave an awesome talk about how the truth is only one thing, no matter how many people say it is something else. It was awesome. Also, we have an investigator who has been waiting to get baptized for like 3 months, but had some problems with her papers to get married, but they finally came through!!!! Whoo!!! So she'll be getting baptized this week and it's gonna be awesome!!! I'm so excited because she and her family are freaking awesome and it's about time she can get baptized.
Oh and I love my sector a ton. Even though it's in the middle of Quito and it's tough to find people sometimes, the members here are amazing and the investigators we have right now are awesome too. And the Lord has blessed us so much these last few weeks with new investigators. I don't know if I said this last week, but investigators are just coming from everywhere right now. All of a sudden we are getting references from all the members and people are letting us in to teach them. I feel like all these blessings have really come from a few months of hard work in this sector. I think the Lord just wanted us to go as far as we could go and do all we could do before the blessings came.
But yeah, just keep up all the good work at home. I really love you all soo much and miss you all a ton. I think that might be the only reason I'll want to come home at the end of my mission because it really is so awesome being out here. I wouldn't want to be doing anything else with my life right now because I have been happier than I ever have in my life being a missionary. And I think that's weird sometimes because the mission can be tough too, but when the blessings come and I can see the change the Gospel really makes in people's lives, it makes all the tough times worth it. I miss you all a ton and I'll be sure and send some pictures next week!!
Elder Joshua LEE!!!
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